Tuesday 19 April 2011


Sometimes, every now and then, I feel particularly lonely. All sorts of things can set it off, someone I like, kissing someone else, even though I know it's not like that between us. The 'Let's go out.. have some fun... but you don't want anything serious do you?' conversation, which to be honest I'm a bit sick of hearing. An old couple holding hands, stupid I love you messages on good old Facebook, actually, now I think of it, almost anything that can make me feel good one day, happy for others, glad to see there is goodness and happiness in the world can also make me feel alone.
When it hits hard, it's difficult not to run to someone, anyone, to feel comfort. The momentary sex fix that allows me to lose the world for a while, pretend for a while, that nothing matters. Half an hour (if i'm lucky!) of escape. What makes it harder is that I am a sensual and sexual person, I like to hold hands, to cuddle and kiss, to pleasure.... and so on!
Is it so scary now to commit, to work towards a relationship? Or is it just easier not to? To stay single and not have to worry if you are hurting someone or wonder what they think or expect? I guess I'm not the only one to feel this way, that there are others in the same position as me. I'll meet one eventually, someone who wants someone special, that wants the intimacy only time together brings... won't I?

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